Urban expansion of Cairo between 1800 and 2020 (2020).
(Sources: Abu-Lughod, 1971, p. 180; Meyer, 2019; Google satellite imagery, 2020)
Geographical, historical, and functional classification of Downtown's creative industries (2020). (Source: Partly based on CLUSTER's Creative Urban Initiatives Platform)
Migration and densification of creative industries focal zones between 2005 and 2020 (2020). (Source: Own elaboration based on creative industires classification map (2020))
Territorial divisions and protected areas of the Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia (2020). (Sources: Colombian Coffee Growers Federation; PCC Technical Committees: Caldas, Quindío, Risaralda, and Valle del CaucaTerritorial)
Existing uses in Downtown Cairo (2020).
(Sources: IU2D & Zakaria, 2011 as updated by Mostafa et al., 2015. Minor updates by me; ACE, 2010)
Taranto, Apulia stakeholders (2019).
Geographical analysis of the Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia (2020).
Taranto grassroots initiatives (2019).
Taranto mapping and intervention strategy (2019).